“We Were Here” (directed by David Weissman and Bill Weber) is the first documentary to take a deep and reflective look back at the arrival and impact of AIDS in San Francisco. It explores how the City’s inhabitants were affected by, and how they responded to, that calamitous epidemic.
Five witnesses are shrewdly selected to represent a variety of experiences. They recall the spirit of caring and camaraderie that transformed the… gay community in San Francisco and also awakened the compassion of many straight Americans who went through a sea change in their attitudes toward homosexuality.
Though a San Francisco-based story and the times of Harvey Milk, We Were Here extends beyond San Francisco and beyond AIDS itself. It speaks to our capacity as individuals to rise to the occasion, and to the incredible power of a community coming together with love, compassion, and determination.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion, with:
Derrek Ogg, a pioneering AIDS activist who, amongst many other projects, founded Scottish AIDS Monitor (SAM) in 1983. Also David Bingham of the Terrence Higgins Trust. The panel will be chaired by Sophie Holmes-Elliott of Lock Up your Daughters magazine for discussion on the legacy of AIDS in Scotland and the film.
Screening at the GFT Tuesday 1st November – buy tickets and watch trailer